Scholarship Erasmus+ Traineeship after graduation

Access to the Erasmus+ programme is limited due to the obligation that all STCW-related courses must be followed at and evaluated by Antwerp Maritime Academy. However, a more flexible solution is available. The 13 Flemish Universities of Applied Sciences & Arts have a common project that allows students to gain work experience through an internship after graduation.

The programme

You can apply for a traineeship at a company outside Belgium (even outside Europe) and gain your first work experience or do your trial period while being funded by Erasmus. For example, through an internship you can gain experience of a certain sector that may be outside your field of study. The maximum duration for a traineeship in a European country is 12 months, and for a non-European country 6 months.


After graduation, you will then officially become a “job seeker” and you will follow a corresponding course for job seekers. This permits you to go abroad with the status of “job seeker”. You cannot combine a traineeship with an employment contract. More information can be found at:

Application and selection procedure

  1. Inform the Coordinator Internationalisation that you are interested in a traineeship after graduation.
  2. Students must themselves search for a traineeship in an organisation. Select an organization with an address outside Belgium that is willing to take you as an intern.
  3. Register your internship before graduation, thus before the date that your scores are officially announced. Note that registration is not possible after graduation. Registration can be done using the button at the bottom of the page at
  4. The grant will be awarded on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, until there is no more funding available in the budget. Funding will only be received if and when: (1) the candidate has registered before the deadline of graduation, (2) the learning agreement has been signed by the trainee, the traineeship supervisor and the higher education institution from which the trainee has graduated before the start of the traineeship, and (3) the traineeship is completed within 12 months after graduation of a graduate holding a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral degree.
  5. The grant agreements and payments are done by the VHLUR, the consortium coordinator.